Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Today we have been extremely busy. First we had breakfast and then gave the kids a bath and headed downstairs for our group and baby pictures. Kayli was ready for her morning nap and cried. Needless to say I did not want to make her sit there without us to get pictures so she is not in them. She fell right to sleep in Angela's arms within 5 minutes of the crying. Next we came back to the room and began the many hours of packing. We did buy another suitcase for Brian's stuff that he bought. (To think that men don't shop--HA!) So now we are all packed. Kayli is asleep as it is 10:31pm.

We ordered lunch in today from Denny's Bagel and had grilled cheese from the Veranda tonight for dinner. We have had so many grilled cheese sandwiches lately.

We went to the US Consulate today at 3:00pm to swear that all of the information that we have submited to Guangzhou was accurate. They gave us Kayli's visa/passport and she will be a US citizen as soon as she touches the ground on american soil. YEAH!!!! We are so excited and ready to come home as you can imagine.

Please pray for smooth flights and our continued health.

We didn't get out of China without any hang-ups. Brian insisted that I not put a picture on the internet but he broke one of the mirrors in the hotel room with one of our heavy suitcases....OOOPS! We told our honesty is the best policy and he called housekeeping and the manager of the hotel. Housekeeping came and spoke a lot of Chinese to our guide and then the manager. They took pictures of it and taped it up. The first price that they told us was 3000RMB which is about $400. Next they called and said it would be 1500RMB....(as you know I am praying for mercy the whole time) Next we got a call saying the manager spoke with the assistant manager and told him that they would NOT charge a guest that much. So they came down to 500RMB. Praise God! $60. WHEW!!!

Now we can sleep a few hours before getting up at 4:00am there is another group that will be leaving sooner than us.

Thank you soooo much for all of your prayers. I will update with pictures after we get home. Too much going on lately.

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