Thursday, July 16, 2009

The rest of Conner Prairie

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Conner Prairie-in Indy--FUN place for kids

Our China friends! ("cousins")

More Children's Museum pictures

Our friends Molly and Faith!

Indianapolis Children's Museum and reunion with our China "cousins"!

Welcome to Egypt!

We had a blast last weekend visiting friends and seeing Indianapolis Children's Museum. It is the largest in the world.

Shaker Village Pleasant Hill, Kentucky

We met Papaw, Uncle Tracey, Ondrea, and Mamaw at Shaker Village in Kentucky. What a fun day!

Sam Davis Home

Ariel sure enjoyed meeting up with some friends at this Historic Home in Smyrna. Sam Davis is known for this quote, "I would die a thousand deaths before I would betray a friend." He was hung at 21 years old. Find out why....visit this historic home and museum.