Gotta keep this short; paying for an internet connection by the minute. What an exciting day! One airplane and two bus rides later we arrived at the Lake View Hotel Nanchang. Within minutes of arriving we arranged our paperwork and were directed to a conference room on the 3rd floor. Our names were called moments later and we met our beatiful Kayli.
Kayli is a pure delight! She is so beautiful! She has such thick hair, big beautiful eyes. She has melted our hearts. We are already discussing doing this a second time. What an awesome experience. Our lives have truly been touched and changed.
Kayli has really taken to Brian. If he comes into the room she lights up. She is doing great with her big sister. Ariel loves being with her. She doesn't want her out of her sight.
Just wanted you to know that we're following your journey. Glad things are going well. Angela, you look overjoyed.
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