Today was a busy busy day! We started off with going to get Kayli's passport and as soon as we came back rushed to pack and eat lunch. We left for the airport in Nanchang at 2:00pm and boarded a plane at 5:00pm. The airplane had a mechanical issue and was delayed an hour. The flight was 1 hour and 10 minutes. (Kayli's first flight.) We landed in Guangzhou to realize that the bus ride was 45 minutes long. After we finally made it to the hotel we had 15 minutes to get the babies changed and head down the hall to have her picture made for her medical exam. Kayli was a trooper but she did shed a few tears for her picture. She was in the middle of a long awaited bottle and did not want to give it up. Lastly we had dinner at 9:00pm at.....you guessed it McDonald's. Ariel's first happy meal at age 7. It just happened to be in China as a last resort. The choices were $25 a plate at our hotel or Mc D's. It wasn't too bad though. Ariel enjoyed the chicken nuggets. When you are hungry just about anything sounds good.
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