Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I am typing this on the evening of the 22nd. Well it won't be too long before it will be the 23rd. We should arrive in TN on flight #1735 Northwest at 4:07pm. We only have 50 min. in Tokyo to change planes. Off for now and will update from our HOME!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Today we have been extremely busy. First we had breakfast and then gave the kids a bath and headed downstairs for our group and baby pictures. Kayli was ready for her morning nap and cried. Needless to say I did not want to make her sit there without us to get pictures so she is not in them. She fell right to sleep in Angela's arms within 5 minutes of the crying. Next we came back to the room and began the many hours of packing. We did buy another suitcase for Brian's stuff that he bought. (To think that men don't shop--HA!) So now we are all packed. Kayli is asleep as it is 10:31pm.
We ordered lunch in today from Denny's Bagel and had grilled cheese from the Veranda tonight for dinner. We have had so many grilled cheese sandwiches lately.
We went to the US Consulate today at 3:00pm to swear that all of the information that we have submited to Guangzhou was accurate. They gave us Kayli's visa/passport and she will be a US citizen as soon as she touches the ground on american soil. YEAH!!!! We are so excited and ready to come home as you can imagine.
Please pray for smooth flights and our continued health.
We didn't get out of China without any hang-ups. Brian insisted that I not put a picture on the internet but he broke one of the mirrors in the hotel room with one of our heavy suitcases....OOOPS! We told our honesty is the best policy and he called housekeeping and the manager of the hotel. Housekeeping came and spoke a lot of Chinese to our guide and then the manager. They took pictures of it and taped it up. The first price that they told us was 3000RMB which is about $400. Next they called and said it would be 1500RMB....(as you know I am praying for mercy the whole time) Next we got a call saying the manager spoke with the assistant manager and told him that they would NOT charge a guest that much. So they came down to 500RMB. Praise God! $60. WHEW!!!
Now we can sleep a few hours before getting up at 4:00am there is another group that will be leaving sooner than us.
Thank you soooo much for all of your prayers. I will update with pictures after we get home. Too much going on lately.
We ordered lunch in today from Denny's Bagel and had grilled cheese from the Veranda tonight for dinner. We have had so many grilled cheese sandwiches lately.
We went to the US Consulate today at 3:00pm to swear that all of the information that we have submited to Guangzhou was accurate. They gave us Kayli's visa/passport and she will be a US citizen as soon as she touches the ground on american soil. YEAH!!!! We are so excited and ready to come home as you can imagine.
Please pray for smooth flights and our continued health.
We didn't get out of China without any hang-ups. Brian insisted that I not put a picture on the internet but he broke one of the mirrors in the hotel room with one of our heavy suitcases....OOOPS! We told our honesty is the best policy and he called housekeeping and the manager of the hotel. Housekeeping came and spoke a lot of Chinese to our guide and then the manager. They took pictures of it and taped it up. The first price that they told us was 3000RMB which is about $400. Next they called and said it would be 1500RMB....(as you know I am praying for mercy the whole time) Next we got a call saying the manager spoke with the assistant manager and told him that they would NOT charge a guest that much. So they came down to 500RMB. Praise God! $60. WHEW!!!
Now we can sleep a few hours before getting up at 4:00am there is another group that will be leaving sooner than us.
Thank you soooo much for all of your prayers. I will update with pictures after we get home. Too much going on lately.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
We are just hanging out today at the hotel until 2:30pm while our guides are at the consulate appts. We must stay in our room until everything is complete. (In case there are questions.) After that...back to shopping! We will pick up a bunch of things that we ordered yesterday and Brian will buy a suit today. It looks like we will have to buy a suitcase to bring all of this stuff home. The girls have several matching outfits and we didn't spend a fortune on them like we would have to do at home.
Kayli slept until after 8:00am this morning. She fights sleep at night but after she finally gets to sleep then she sleeps well.
Kayli slept until after 8:00am this morning. She fights sleep at night but after she finally gets to sleep then she sleeps well.
Monday February 20, 2006
Today was shopping day! We went back to Shamian Island for shopping. We bought all kinds of things from tea sets to Chinese clothes for the girls, shoes, blanket, custom made outfits for Angela and the girls. We ordered Ariel a chop. (stamp with American name and Chinese name) Brian and Ann went back to the Friendship store which is the grocery store to buy essentials. We have been eating breakfast at the hotel everyday (included with hotel stay) At lunch we went to the Food Street restaurant in the hotel and tonight we had peanut butter I brought from home and crackers. We got a milk shake for dessert.
Rebecca--I picked up the outfit.
Rebecca--I picked up the outfit.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Sunday, February 19
Today we skipped the sight seeing. Ann and Angela headed downstairs for a Chinese massage. It was $12 US dollars for 60 minutes and felt wonderful. In the afternoon all of us caught a taxi to go to Shamian Island for shopping. We mostly window shopped for prices. We will go back tomorrow to buy. We did order Kayli a chop. (stamp with her Chinese and American name)
Later we had dinner with the other families with Table #4. We went to the Veranda Restaurant here in the hotel. They had a buffet style dinner which had all kinds of safe fruits and veggies along with any meat of your choice cooked the way you wanted it and a choice of about 8 different desserts. Everyone enjoyed the LARGE chocolate fountain. It was the best meal yet. We are really liking Guangzhou. It has been fun! There was a Mexican group at dinner playing musical instruments. They played all American songs. We were cracking up. Go to china and here Mexican music--how funny.
We hope to go back to the White Swan Hotel to take pictures. It is beautiful.
There are 4 Kayli's on this trip. (popular name) One of the earlier pictures showed 3 of the 4 Kayli's.
Well off to relax before little Kayli awakes.
So far we have learned that Kayli loves carrots and prunes--baby food. She loves Cascadian Farms O's (like Cheerios), congee (rice soup), carrot soup, and raisins. She likes her bottles HOT!!!! She HATES stuffed animals and baby dolls. (orphanage told us that and she cries when I show her one) She is short tempered like her daddy. HA HA! She loves the color red and sleeps most of the time with a red stacking cup the whole time. She also loves her face to be covered while sleeping. We are finding out that she enjoys looking at books and will dance with a little musical toy that we bought her.
We have already seen a HUGE change from the baby that would not even open her legs to fit around your waist to a child that hangs on to us. She even holds her arms out to go to you. She sits up well now. She is rolling over too. She loves to stand up. She hasn't quite figured out how to put food into her mouth but opens it like a little bird to be fed.
She has really warmed up to all of us now! We love it. Ariel asked today if she will get another sister and we told her that we are really considering it. This is the best experience one could have. We are so thankful to God and for Kayli's mom that brought her into this world. We have truly been blessed! We will have to buy a mini van in 2007--ha ha!
Later we had dinner with the other families with Table #4. We went to the Veranda Restaurant here in the hotel. They had a buffet style dinner which had all kinds of safe fruits and veggies along with any meat of your choice cooked the way you wanted it and a choice of about 8 different desserts. Everyone enjoyed the LARGE chocolate fountain. It was the best meal yet. We are really liking Guangzhou. It has been fun! There was a Mexican group at dinner playing musical instruments. They played all American songs. We were cracking up. Go to china and here Mexican music--how funny.
We hope to go back to the White Swan Hotel to take pictures. It is beautiful.
There are 4 Kayli's on this trip. (popular name) One of the earlier pictures showed 3 of the 4 Kayli's.
Well off to relax before little Kayli awakes.
So far we have learned that Kayli loves carrots and prunes--baby food. She loves Cascadian Farms O's (like Cheerios), congee (rice soup), carrot soup, and raisins. She likes her bottles HOT!!!! She HATES stuffed animals and baby dolls. (orphanage told us that and she cries when I show her one) She is short tempered like her daddy. HA HA! She loves the color red and sleeps most of the time with a red stacking cup the whole time. She also loves her face to be covered while sleeping. We are finding out that she enjoys looking at books and will dance with a little musical toy that we bought her.
We have already seen a HUGE change from the baby that would not even open her legs to fit around your waist to a child that hangs on to us. She even holds her arms out to go to you. She sits up well now. She is rolling over too. She loves to stand up. She hasn't quite figured out how to put food into her mouth but opens it like a little bird to be fed.
She has really warmed up to all of us now! We love it. Ariel asked today if she will get another sister and we told her that we are really considering it. This is the best experience one could have. We are so thankful to God and for Kayli's mom that brought her into this world. We have truly been blessed! We will have to buy a mini van in 2007--ha ha!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Medical Exam

Well this morning we are all still so tired. We woke Kayli up at 7:30am to get breakfast and off to get her medical exam. After the exam we went to the Friendship Store where we bought baby supplies and the much needed water. We are all still having a great time and wanting to come home. It feels good to know just a few more days. Kayli is a delight. We are really enjoying her. Everyone...everywhere we go are touching her and talking about her. We just smile and say thank you. We miss everyone at home and cannot wait to show her off. :-)
Kayli was asleep before the exam. She was NOT happy about them waking her up to look in her mouth and ears. She weighs 16.8lbs. and is 72cm long(I don't have documents in front of me). She is a little peanut. She weighed 13 lbs at 6 months. She is tiny but long. Most of the 9 month clothes that we brought fit. I think we had a couple of them too short. Who knows she could be tall and thin like Ariel.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006

Today was a busy busy day! We started off with going to get Kayli's passport and as soon as we came back rushed to pack and eat lunch. We left for the airport in Nanchang at 2:00pm and boarded a plane at 5:00pm. The airplane had a mechanical issue and was delayed an hour. The flight was 1 hour and 10 minutes. (Kayli's first flight.) We landed in Guangzhou to realize that the bus ride was 45 minutes long. After we finally made it to the hotel we had 15 minutes to get the babies changed and head down the hall to have her picture made for her medical exam. Kayli was a trooper but she did shed a few tears for her picture. She was in the middle of a long awaited bottle and did not want to give it up. Lastly we had dinner at 9:00pm guessed it McDonald's. Ariel's first happy meal at age 7. It just happened to be in China as a last resort. The choices were $25 a plate at our hotel or Mc D's. It wasn't too bad though. Ariel enjoyed the chicken nuggets. When you are hungry just about anything sounds good.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Today, we went to see a village that was similar to what Kayli came from. I don't have pictures yet but will be updating them shortly. We left in tears seeing the poverty. However, the people there seemed to be so happy.
If you look closely you can see the chickens on the road. There was no heat so the kids are dressed warmly.
Hopefully when we fly to Guangzhou tomorrow then I will have internet connection. It is a pain here since we have to pay by the minute. We are so ready to come home. We also visited a few porcelain shops. The province of Jiangxi is known for porcelain.
FYI: I cannot see any comments left on the blog but I can view your e-mails. I just cannot respond. I have been trying to e-mail my family and am getting sorry and please know that I am trying to communicate. :-)
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
February 13-15
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Gotcha day arrives!

Gotta keep this short; paying for an internet connection by the minute. What an exciting day! One airplane and two bus rides later we arrived at the Lake View Hotel Nanchang. Within minutes of arriving we arranged our paperwork and were directed to a conference room on the 3rd floor. Our names were called moments later and we met our beatiful Kayli.
Kayli is a pure delight! She is so beautiful! She has such thick hair, big beautiful eyes. She has melted our hearts. We are already discussing doing this a second time. What an awesome experience. Our lives have truly been touched and changed.
Kayli has really taken to Brian. If he comes into the room she lights up. She is doing great with her big sister. Ariel loves being with her. She doesn't want her out of her sight.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Sunday February 11, 2006
Today we went to the International Church Service. It was kind of emotional for me (Angela). I just realized that only foreign passport holders can visit a Christian church...legally. We are so blessed in the states to have the freedom to worship how we choose.
Then we went to the Jade Factory. It is Chinese tradition that mothers pass onto their daughters a jade bracelet at the age of 18. So in keeping with the tradition we bought one for each of the girls. Of course I got one too (yes, that was Brian's idea!).
We also visited the Great Wall of China. We burned a few calories racing to the top. We made it right past the first tower to the next landing. Ariel was the first to climb. Brian had to carry her on his back on the way down though.
We had lunch and dinner as well but it's the same thing....Chinese food! We are already getting tired of it. They serve the same food at every restaurant.
Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!

Then we went to the Jade Factory. It is Chinese tradition that mothers pass onto their daughters a jade bracelet at the age of 18. So in keeping with the tradition we bought one for each of the girls. Of course I got one too (yes, that was Brian's idea!).
We also visited the Great Wall of China. We burned a few calories racing to the top. We made it right past the first tower to the next landing. Ariel was the first to climb. Brian had to carry her on his back on the way down though.
We had lunch and dinner as well but it's the same thing....Chinese food! We are already getting tired of it. They serve the same food at every restaurant.
Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006
Saturday February 11, 2006

What a day! We had a lot of fun. We were busy from 8:30am until 7:30pm. We started out by going to Tian'anmen Square and the Forbidden City. It was about 20 degrees Fahrenheit...cold as we toured for 2.5 hours. Next we had a wonderful lunch. It was buffet style lunch that included sweet and sour chicken, rice, greens, beef, pork, and watermelon for dessert. Angela and Ariel are eating quite a bit of bars and stuff that they brought. However, the rice is always good. Next we went to Pearl Market where you can purchase fresh water pearls. We bought the girls each a necklace that they will receive on their wedding day. Later we went to the Summer Palace, which is an imperial palace built during the first year of the Emperor Zhenyuan of the Jin Dynasty. Then we visited the Dong Wu Silk Museum, where we saw how the Chinese make silks. That was really neat. We then could purchase quilts, clothing, other items made from 100% silk. Lastly we had Peking Duck dinner. Ariel kept her eyes covered the entire meal. She couldn't stand the fact that we were eating duck. I don't think that she had anything except for the bottled water that I brought with us and maybe a couple bites of rice. But she sure eats a good breakfast in the morning. It is very western. On the way back to the hotel we saw a few fireworks that were being set off due to Chinese New Year. I think we will actually sleep through the night tonight! We are exhausted. Tomorrow we will see the Great Wall! Getting used to the 12 hour time difference has been a little tough. We are starting to adjust. Running on little sleep can be very interesting emotionally. ha!
Friday, February 10, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
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