I can't get enough apples and strawberries!!
Sorry it has been several days since we have posted. We did make it home safely at 4:30pm on Thursday afternoon. Our plane was about 23 minutes late as we had a weather delay in Detroit. The 23 minutes were EXTREMELY long when you are ready to be home.
Kayli did excellent on the plane as long as Brian held her. The 11 hours (longest flight) seemed long to him as he was primary caretaker. Angela slept a lot so it wasn't so bad--ha! Ariel stopped eating. She decided that she had had enough Chinese food. On Friday she was so tired and dehydrated that she did get sick once after drinking juice extremely fast. All is well now. The girls are enjoying playing with each other. Kayli is finally settling into central time so we ALL are settling back into our time zone. Kayli is cutting more teeth so this has caused some unusual hours up at night as well.
Here are more pictures that we promised!
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