Brian and I attended a really neat event last Saturday that has impacted my life so much. It is called Challenge Air. It took place at the Smyrna Airport in TN. Challenge Air for Kids and Friends, a not-for-profit organization, offers motivational,
inspirational and life-changing experiences to physically challenged children and youth through aviation. (taken from www.challengeair.com) We volunteered at the boarding pass table this year and got to get the kids excited about their flight. We had about 100 children participate at this location.
The kids enjoyed face painting, hanging out with the Shriners' clowns, taking rides in their buggies, getting their pictures made with the Chic-fil-a cow, Applebees bee, eating in one of the hangers, and going to flight school prior to their flight.
By the end of the day, Ariel was face painting and Kayli was passed out in her stroller.
It was a fun and memorable day!
Here's Ariel with just two of the many clowns.