Don't I look little on this ride. She didn't last long but she sure begged to ride. They had to stop it early. Also on this page..Kayli modeling her new hat and shirt. (Thanks Papaw!)
Thanks Papaw for my new bird house. I had fun with mommy painting it. Also in March we went to Huntsville Space and Rocket Center with our homeschool group! It was fun!
Kayli got a Barbie car for her birthday! Ariel likes the car just as much as Kayli does! Kayli really enjoyed her organic chocolate cupcake! Ann's husband Bruce is holding Kayli in one of the pictures. They celebrated with us on Kayli's real birthday! I'm not sure how I didn't get Ann in any of the pictures.
We were excited that Great Granny came to visit for the girls birthday. She is 93 years old. Kayli went right to her! YEAH! Other pictures with Aunt Kathy, Papaw, Mamaw, & other Papaw. Ariel continues to grow too! Check out her pictures! Ariel just turned 8! I can't believe it. My how time flies!
We know it has been a while since we've updated...but's spring break! So I actually have a moment to post. We have been extremely busy with activities, school, and etc. January not much went on but on February 2nd we received a little bit of snow. Then we had a family birthday party for the girls together since their birthdays are soo close. So here are a few pictures. More birthday pictures to follow as I was videotaping. Brian took other pictures that we will download later. Uncle Tracey bought the big dog...thanks!