Friday, May 19, 2006

Best Friends Meet Again!

Ariel's best friend, Jessica, moved to Florida last year. Since we were staying in Orlando and she lives in Tallahassee we met half way in Gainsville. We visited a Butterfly Rainforest there and then played at Chic-Fil-A. This was the first time they saw Kayli.
We miss you guys VERY much and hope you move back SOON!


Last week Brian had business in Orlando. We all went since airline tickets were very inexpensive. Here are some photos from our visit to MGM. Ariel wasn't feeling well the day we were supposed to go to Magic Kingdom so we left after riding the monorail to the island. She was not happy but it was SOO hot and crowded that it would have been a miserable day with her not feeling well. Now we have an excuse to go back. ha! Kayli enjoyed her first excursion to Disney! We started the day at 4am getting up and going to the airport. When we arrived everyone was so full of energy and excited about being in Orlando we decided to go on to MGM after lunch. We still had a full 7 hours of fun! We were ALL exhausted at the end!



Kayli has been swinging, playing and walking these days. Just this week she has started walking across the room. Enjoy the pictures. Ariel is adjusting to her new little sister. I think she would really enjoy her more if she would stop screaming. ha!