It is hard to believe that on 12-9-05 a Fed-ex package was delivered to our door with Kayli's first pictures. My how time flies! It feels like she has always been a part of our family. It's hard to believe a year has gone past. Kayli is a joy. Last Christmas we were praying for her and thinking about her, wishing she was already with us. This year that reality came true! We truly enjoyed both girls this Christmas. Ariel has enjoyed playing with Kayli as much as Kayli with Ariel. The family went OVERBOARD on giving to the girls. We will have to work on that! ha ha And to think both of their birthdays are right around the corner. (Jan. and Feb.)
We found out on December 22 that Kayli was chosen to be on our adoption agency's calendar for 2007! Kayli's picture will appear on the month of May. She was chosen from over 1100 entries as one of the 13. The month of May is sweet because it represents Mother's Day, my sister's birthday and not only that....my mother-in-law's birthday--Janet. She has never met Kayli, she passed away 4 years ago from cancer but we know she would love her. We miss her dearly and we are honored that Kayli was chosen for this month. This is the picture that was chosen. Kayli took a pretty big fall this summer. Thankfully they touched up the actual picture a bit that is in the calendar.
We are so blessed to have not only 1 beautiful girl but now 2! Thank you Lord for the blessings.